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Carmin Garofalo

Passen is a digital fitting platform for clothing. We generate the most accurate body measurement and clothing data through the use of a smartphone device that delivers fit recommendations with 90 per cent plus accuracy.

We help clothing providers increase online sales, reduce fit-related returns, and deliver a better customer experience while reducing the amount of clothing going into landfill.

Passen is the world leader in fit technology. At the core of our values is our commitment to helping retailers and brands improve shopper satisfaction, increase online sales, and contribute to the economic and environmental impact associated with the number of garments returned due to poor fit.

Relying on a size chart is like taking a shot in the dark, and for many, that gamble has led to building a collection of ill-fitted clothes stuffed in the back of many closets. For businesses, this often results in high returns and decreased customer satisfaction.

We’re here to change the game.

Tell us about yourself?

Carmin began his career with Cadet Uniform (Toronto, ON) in 1986. Cadet was an innovative organization whose principles were based on the total quality concept. Cadet was the proud recipient of the Canadian Award for Business Excellence in the Total Quality category. Cadet was later acquired by Cintas Corp (Cincinnati, OH), where Carmin continued his career, holding various positions in sales and operations leading up to an extended career involving him in increased responsibilities, including the integration of acquisitions. Mr. Garofalo held the position of Canadian General Manager for 16 years.

Carmin joined Unisync Group Limited (“Unisync Group”), backed by prominent private equities group Kilmer Capital Partners in 2008 as Senior VP of Business Development. In July 2009, Mr. Garofalo was appointed President of Unisync Group. In June of 2014, Unisync Group Limited was acquired by ComWest Enterprise Corp. Mr. Garofalo held the position of President and CEO of the then public company Unisync Corp.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

Create a list of challenges that you expect to encounter while scaling a business, and then create a second list of unimaginable challenges, things like Pandemics, wars, etc. Once you have completed both lists, then throw the first away. That’s the easy one!

What problem does your business solve?

The Passen team.
The Passen team.

Passen is a digital fitting platform for clothing. We generate the most accurate body measurement and clothing data that delivers fit recommendations with 90 per cent plus accuracy. We help clothing providers increase online sales, reduce fit-related returns, and deliver a better customer experience.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

The inspiration behind the business is based on personal experiences with online shopping. Our experience in the past has been similar to millions of online shoppers currently ordering clothing. When you receive your online order, in many cases, the fit is incorrect. The conventional way of purchasing clothing was to actually visit the store and try on the garment, and you would understand how the clothing fit your body.

We have been able to replicate that process using your smartphone device from the comfort of your home.

What is your magic sauce?

Our proprietary method of transferring size data as it relates to the actual piece of clothing you have ordered online. We differ from others in the way we use the data captured as it relates to the exact piece of clothing you ordered.

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

Carmin Garofalo with Larry Rosen, CEO of Harry Rosen.

Our plan is to continue to focus on the ready-to-wear industry. We secured deals with iconic luxury men’s brands such as Harry Rosen ( and Wuxly Movement ( that have allowed us to validate our methodology. We expect to field many calls in the new year from large retailers who currently have web-based storefronts. In addition, we are exploring other revenue streams where we feel our technology can solve problems.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

Our biggest challenge has been convincing the retailers that our technology solves the problem of returns related to incorrect sizes. We worked with Harry Rosen, a leader and innovator in the men’s luxury apparel business, and they tested us extensively against all others in the industry. The result was Passen was the best solution.

Quote from Ian Rosen on the most recent press release: “The decision to select Passen as our digital fit provider was the result of a comprehensive review of industry suppliers,” said Ian Rosen, President and C.O.O. of Harry Rosen. “We evaluated Passen’s technology based on the accuracy of fit recommendations, sustainability, innovation, and other factors and ultimately decided Passen is the leader in the industry.”

How can people get involved?

We are actively looking for clothing retailers who care about getting it right the first time and are passionate about the customer online shopping experience. We urge anyone interested to contact us at (647)886-0066.