Home Products / Personal Care: All Clean Natural 🍁

Name: All Clean Natural

Products: Hand soap, air freshener, hand sanitizer, multipurpose cleaners, toothpaste, mouthwash, microfibre cloths, toothbrushes

Manufactured In: Calgary, Alberta

Where to buy: Online and various retailers

Website: allcleannatural.ca

Canadian Owned: Yes

All Clean Natural makes various cleaning and soap products that are cruelty-free, natural, and non-toxic. All of the products are made at the facility located in Calgary without the use of any large machines or assembly lines.

The company was founded in 2015 by Daniel Boria and it has since grown into a trusted Canadian company with exceptional products, dedication, and customer service. The company is committed to supplying consistent, reliable, and effective disinfecting, sanitising, and cleaning products for homes and businesses.

As part of the company’s sustainable solutions, they use recycled cardboard for all boxes and 40% recycled plastic for fully recyclable bottles.

