Baseball: Prairie Sticks Bat Company 🍁

Name: Prairie Sticks Bat Company

Products: Baseball bats, accessories, apparel

Manufactured In: Red Deer, Alberta

Where to Buy: Company website or selected stores in six provinces


Canadian Owned: Yes

Prairie Sticks Bat Company, based in Red Deer County, Alberta, was founded by Jared Greenberg, former junior college baseball player himself. He started the company in March 2003 because he felt there was a need for high-quality wooden baseball bats made in Canada.

Prairie Sticks bats are made using ash, maple, and birch. All their bats are made in Red Deer with attention to detail. The company also offers the option to customize bats, for example with logos and signatures.

Baseball bats made by Prairie Sticks Bats can be bought online directly from the company’s website. Their bats can also be bought from retailers in Alberta, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland and Labrador. The full list of retailers can be viewed here.

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