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Daniel Yashinsky

Glistco’s mission is to provide passionate gamers with an immersive gaming experience. We take great pride in fixing and providing solutions for gamers and gaming products. More importantly, Glistco innovates products and creates value by taking the gaming industry to the next level of excitement and realism.

Tell us about yourself?

The CEO, Daniel Yashinsky, started his career in his father’s footsteps in heating, air-conditioning and refrigeration. He believes the trades taught him the value of hard work and problem-solving. Daniel took these transferable skills and steered his career towards his passion, video gaming. This mentality of learning to create value and solve problems is the foundation of Glistco’s mission today.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

The best advice I would give myself is to test everything and learn from trial and error. Not everything you do or create will be successful, but the most important thing is what you can take away from the experience and grow from it.

What problem does your business solve?


Glistco solves the problem of the vanilla gaming experience. The regular gaming experience can be bland, boring, and not completely optimized. Our innovations help enhance current products as well as give a more immersive experience. Our virtual reality 3D products are designed to create a more realistic touch and feel experience aside from holding the basic controllers. Glistco strives to make gaming more exciting and optimized for the casual to the competitive gamer.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

Glitsco was inspired by the need in the gaming industry to discover and develop products based on the emerging technology of 3D Printing. Our products are tailored towards both the casual and the competitive gamer. We have a wide variety of products in the catalogue that are tailored towards different needs depending on the type of player.

What is your magic sauce?


We believe our magic sauce is in our designers and engineers. We differ from the competition by designing and developing only high-quality products here in Canada. These amazing designs are products that we can be proud of and truly believe will provide something of value to the world and our community toward a better overall gaming experience.

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

Our vision at Glistco is to expand on our innovation and what we bring to the table for accessories and products in the Virtual Reality industry. We believe, in the short/long term future, that Virtual Reality will inevitably be a very large and disruptive industry. The gaming industry as a whole has already shown itself to be one of the fastest-growing and most profitable markets out there. As VR technology continues to grow and develop over time, so will our line of products to complete or enhance that experience for the community.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

The biggest issue for us so far has been being able to keep up with this fast pace and ever-changing technological market. Although this created many opportunities, it is easy to lose focus on what is important and where we are trying to position ourselves.

How can people get involved?

We would love people to reach out to our website at Here they can also subscribe to us to receive updates about new product releases and special year-round offers for our subscribers only!