D.C. Global Talent is a niche Hospitality and Foodservice recruitment agency specializing in the Caribbean and Americas. Founded in 2016, we have built a strong client list of upscale, luxury clients in the hotel space. Our core focus is on management to executive-level placements across all departments within Hospitality and Foodservice.
Tell us about yourself?
I have a background in human resources. I started my career with KPMG and later found myself working with staffing companies and large marketing organizations in a recruitment capacity. I took a leap and moved to Grand Cayman, where I fell in love with Caribbean living. Cayman was my first sales job, where I was working with a beverage distributor, selling wine and spirits to hotels and bars across the island. This is where I found myself making connections and eventually working alongside these accounts to support them with their hiring needs.
If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?
Hire sooner. We have now been in business for six-plus years, and it wasn’t until 2021 that I made my first hire. Today, we have a full-time team of six, which has allowed us to grow and scale.
What problem does your business solve?
We source and recruit hard-to-fill roles in remote destinations. We run highly successful employee attraction campaigns and match candidates/talent with great career opportunities. Every hotel is unique, and we ensure that we are marrying the right employee with the best employer for them and their skillset.
What is the inspiration behind your business?
The hospitality industry is inspiring. It is rooted in making people happy and creating experiences and memories for individuals and families. Being able to provide talent that supports in that operation and initiative gives our team great joy.
What is your magic sauce?
We are very strong in digital marketing. We are actively online sharing exciting opportunities and have a unique inbound candidates acquisition system. We also work with the best hotels in the Caribbean and the Americas. Our clients are ultra luxury and have a strong product. Hospitality professionals who engage with us know that we are working with leading hotels in the space who are committed to providing the best service to their guests and cultivating a healthy and happy working environment for their team.
What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?
We would like to continue growing the team and business. We have made a big effort to provide more value to our network by hosting education workshops/events, industry news, etc., and we’d like to continue this at a larger scale so we can reach a wider audience. Maybe we will open other branches across South America. Who knows! The sky is the limit.
What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?
The pandemic, of course, was a challenge for most industries, hospitality in particular, took a huge hit. Our clients shut down operations, borders were closed, etc. It took patience and mental fortitude to stay positive, but we came back stronger than ever. Outside of the pandemic, I think getting started in any business is challenging because you need to generate revenue and that requires clients. Learning to sell my service as an entrepreneur was something I had never done before, and it took a lot of practice. Business development was a muscle I built over time. You will hear a lot of “nos” or “not right now”, and I think the most important thing is not to get discouraged. Believe in your service, invest in your skill, branding, and community, and eventually, you will begin to see the wins.
How can people get involved?
Visit our website, www.dcglobaltalent.ca, to view our open vacancies. Email info@dcglobaltalent.com to get in touch!