PoolSafe is an innovative product that will add safety, convenience and peace of mind for any guest in a hotel, resort, waterpark or cruise ship.
Tell us about yourself?
I’ve worked in plastics most of my life, designing and holding patterns for baby strollers, microswitches and the design for the PoolSafe
If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?
What really affected our business two years ago was the pandemic. What I would probably say to myself two years ago is, take a deep breath, stay the course and good things will happen with patience.
What problem does your business solve?
Our company creates a convenience and peace of mind, for travellers not to worry about their valuables. We also help businesses increase their food and beverage revenues by a minimum 30%.
What is the inspiration behind your business?
I created the PoolSafe based on my own experience with my family. Always having to stay behind watching everyone’s valuables while they ran off and enjoyed the pool and the beach. A big factor also in creating the PoolSafe was always having to wait and wave my hands at a server in order to get any type of food and beverage service.
What is your magic sauce?
We are first to market this type of product and have presently no competition. What I will say about our company and what you would call our magic sauce is team work. Pool Safe is a small family and we count and rely on each other.
What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?
The next several years, my goal is to see a major expansion throughout the United States and into major hotels, water parks and resorts. We have laid a good foundation into independent chains and I would like to see the company move into major corporations like Marriott, Hilton, Disney and Universal.
What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?
One issue we’ve run into is software. We have tried several times to reinvent the wheel but realized there is software that’s been around for several years and quite easily integrated into our product.
How do people get involved/buy into your vision?
Our product is widely used on a revenue share basis. Most hotels and water parks Take our product at no cost and share revenue with us. There are however some clients who prefer to purchase a PoolSafe outright. We are more than happy to service our clients either way and it would be our pleasure if someone needed any information to reach us at 416-630-2444 or info@poolsafeinc.com