Electronics: Pavlok ๐Ÿ

Name: Pavlok

Products: Pavlok Shock Clock

Manufactured In: China

Where to Buy: Amazon.ca or Pavlok’s own website.

Website: pavlok.com

Canadian Owned: Yes

The Pavlok is an interesting device – think of it as a mean version of the Fitbit, that shocks you to help you break bad habits. The devices are designed and manufactured by Makk Design. The Pavlok comes with an app that makes it easy to manage the device and track your behaviour.

The company started ten years ago and has since become a global leader in behavioral change technology. Over the last decade, the company has sold products to over 250,000 users worldwide, including North America, Europe, China, and Japan. Users of the technology have used the products to support positive changes in their lives.

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