Feminine Products: Tree Hugger Cloth Pads 🍁

Name: Tree Hugger Cloth Pads

Products: Cloth menstrual and incontinence pads

Manufactured In: Winnipeg, Manitoba

Where to Buy: Company website or retailers

Website: treehuggerclothpads.com

Canadian Owned: Yes

Tree Hugger Cloth Pads is a Canadian company located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and owned by Crystal Burton, a work-at-home mom of two. Crystal is passionate about saving the environment and saving money and first realised the benefits of cloth products when she and her husband decided to use cloth diapers when their daughter was born.

If you are looking for a more environmentally friendly alternative, then cloth menstruation pads from Tree Hugger are a great option as each cloth replaces around 200 disposable pads. To ensure everyone can find the right fit, the pads come in four different sizes and you can choose from a wide range of fun colours and prints.

