Food: Canola Harvest ๐Ÿ

Name: Canola Harvest

Products: Margarine, canola oil, cooking spray

Manufactured In: Lethbridge, Alberta

Where to Buy:ย Grocery stores


Canadian Owned: Yes

Canola Harvest is owned and operated by Winnipeg-based Richardson International Limited which has been in operation since 1857. Richarson was founded by James Richardson as a Canadian grain trading company and today has a variety of interests in Canada’s agriculture and food production industries.

Canola Harvest is 100% Canadian and the company works closely with Canadian farmers to ensure the seeds used in the oils are grown using environmentally best practices. This ensures that the crops are responsibly grown and harvested and that the land can be enjoyed for many generations to come.

Canola oil is the healthiest cooking oil since it has the least amount of saturated fat of any edible oil on the market.

