LocoMobi World Inc. is a cloud-based Smart City technology company specializing in parking, tolling, transit, storage, asset tracking, fleet and threat management solutions. Our WorldStream cloud portal is the first fully distributed cloud infrastructure management system. In addition, LocoMobi World provides pioneering technology to government, institutional and parking management clients throughout North America and has a growing platform of transportation infrastructure patents. LocoMobi World Inc. has reinvented how people travel throughout the transportation infrastructure in terms of parking, curbside, drive-thru and security.
LocoMobi World’s leading cloud-based Licence Plate Recognition (LPR) system offers a refined approach for revenue control, virtual permitting, violation and citation management, toll road management, managed traffic lanes, and gated lane environments, as well as residential multi-level condominium building parking control and access. Wearables now are integrated into Lccomobi’s offering including MobiVision Glasses for real-time enforcement and safety.
LocoMobi World also provides a full line of Industry-leading Payment Kiosks, Smart Barrier Gates, Solar Powered parking Meters and other innovative solutions to ensure total revenue security.
LocoMobi World have recently introduced Mobi its new robot division to augment security and parking enforcement.
Our Smart City technology is connecting vehicles anywhere they travel. WorldSecure LocoMobi World’s patent-pending data security controller protects against cyber-attacks and other data intrusions. The first of its kind.
Our Vision is to make every person’s daily journey stress-free. From the minute you leave your home how can we have a positive impact. Whether it be via transit or car we want a platform supported by a suite of applications that enhance the experience. It’s not one thing as one thing simply does not address real need.
In one line: We move People, Vehicles and Data
Tell us about yourself?
I am a serial entrepreneur who invests in, and assists start-ups to reach rollout and successful execution. Expertise in areas of Cloud Computing, Advanced Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Futurist. Specialties include Human Performance both mentally and physically combining technology with protection and fitness.
I have been involved in over 600 million dollars in Technology investments and was contracted to lead the initiatives of several large public IT companies. He aggressively built three transportation technology companies that established the vanguard for tracking and monitoring vehicle movement. His companies developed and sold integrated control systems for major airports, hospitals, and parking lot management companies.
A former President of the Canadian Parking Association, I served as Co-Chairman for the first World Symposium on Intelligent Transportation Systems, an international symposium attended by delegates representing 50 countries. In addition, I was a guest contributor at the United Nations congress for Infrastructure. As a result of his successful business experience, his companies’ technological innovation, and his international scope, Mr. Furlane is considered to be one of the leaders in this industry.
Solving the congestion and parking challenges have been on my list since my start of my career. A congested city is not a smart city. It all starts with moving people around freely and frictionlessly.
If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?
It’s all about people.. They are the talent that takes the vision to reality. When we recruit we look for the entrepreneurial spirit, knowledge based, good core values.. excited about life in general, Our internal culture is the biggest asset. They all are family and push each other to be the best and meet the visions or demands of our partners and clients. Focus no matter the ” noise” around you.
What problem does your business solve?
Security, Parking, Congestion – Piece of mind for all
What is the inspiration behind your business?
The introduction of the cloud inspired the Business. Moving people frictionless and seamless without limits of physical credentials
What is Locomobi Worlds Vision and Goal (s)? – to make every person’s daily journey stress-free. From the minute you leave your home how can we have a positive impact. Whether it be via transit or car we want a platform supported by a suite of applications that enhance the experience. It’s not one thing as one thing simply does not address real need.
What is your magic sauce?
Our products and services are designed from the top down. What I mean by that is so many solutions are legacy systems piled on top of each other. Kind of like the Windows operating system that after 10 front-end designs became 360. You are essentially reinventing and stacking new solutions on old technology what I call the “Boat Anchor” effect. Continually dragging you down to the point of being obsolete. When the vision started we developed the very first Cloud Portal in the Industry and decided we would make it new, innovative and drive from the top down so each application was new and innovative and part of the whole infrastructure.. We call this Worldstream. We have created a very well-planned, organized set of interactive solutions that link each mode of your daily life. These applications are enterprise solutions on their own or form any portion of your business strategy as far as moving your customers and providing the very best controls and security while the best experience. We start with the macro designs like lining transit with merchants, vehicle and parking, mobility with payments and then we drill down to drive-thru and cut side assistance, car sharing, enforcement and towing and logistics.
What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?
Our success in Canada more focused in the GTA is a model that we plan to roll out in every city large and small. The model has been so successful that we feel we can now follow this same process in any city. Because Worldstream can handle thousands of locations or can be one location it has so much value. Probably the biggest upcoming product is our release of our Worldstream Mirror application that allows a partner, dealer, or customer to set up its own Worldstream portal in less than an hour. Hence our rollout plan is less costly and immediate support as we take on new partners who want to have the same success we have / All products are essentially plug and play. We open officially in Los Angeles and have focused on all US major growth regions.
What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?
Like any disruptive technology company your big challenge is making the potential clients understand what we do and explaining our vision so people will understand.. My only anxiety is are we staying ahead? Will some super-intelligent entrepreneur release a new program working out of his home that is truly a reality. So we act the same.. each day we review and look at what we can do for our customers and relate this as well what the social media is saying. In the end, you must be ahead of the game. This needs more than an Entrepreneur, it needs a creative team that has experience both in best development practices and an understanding of the marketplace. That’s your advantage. COVID! It was a tough situation for everyone so we had to look at first how we keep ourselves and others safe and then what we can do to continue our growth strategy in a very difficult environment. Given the world was looking for “frictionless” technologies we realized we had them already by using license plates and handsfree mobile platforms. We had the ability to interact with locked-down tenants, businesses and move them frictionless in and out of their homes and businesses. We also transformed our IP into such programs and Drive thru and curbside delivery. We essentially responded to COVID by taking a right-hand turn and responding to the needs. I published an article on Linkedin when Covid first came out and as I said then, these changes will extend COVID and have forever changed the world and how we will live.
How do people get involved/buy into your vision?
We have our website (locomobiworld.com) as well as we have our smart city podcast that has been number one and my co-host is Alan Cross – a renowned radio host. We also welcome experts to contact us to come on the show and talk about what they do and how it affects our future.