Twin Creek Media is a full-service marketing agency based in Kelowna, BC. We bring a group of talented people, fresh ideas, and lots of experience to the table. Plug us in– it’s almost like we’re your marketing department across the road.
Tell us about yourself?
When James was 7 he wanted to be a ninja. Nothing has really changed. Ninjas are agile, creative, and look good in black. Great goals for life. James worked in youth leadership positions through his teens and by graduation was part of a performing arts troop traveling England, Wales, and Scotland.
After college he spent two years as a youth leader, then worked for four years at a high tech start up doing digital design, and branching out in financial services. This 10 year period of diverse experiences honed James’ “ninja skills” for a career in marketing by combining technical & business skills with the softer side of communication. Upon graduation from a Digital Media program in 2005,
James started Twin Creek Media, an integrated marketing agency. Today the firm has a team of 3 agency partners and a number of contract team members. As a business owner and creative guy, James enjoys opportunities to share business knowledge around topics such as entrepreneurship, digital marketing, social media. He has spoken to groups around BC including UBCO students, and various business associations.
James lives in Kelowna, BC with his wife and two kids. When not sketching out business ideas yellow note pads, or brainstorming ideas with clients, he enjoys exploring far corners of the earth with family or closing in on a life-long goal: a martial arts black belt.
Specialties: Branding, online marketing, website design, including eCommerce and online sales, email marketing, social media, and search engine marketing. A unique experience in high tech B2B and not-for-profit sectors.
If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?
HR, hiring, and retention will become your largest challenge.
What problem does your business solve?

We solve the missing creative & technical talent gap found in many SMBs.
Businesses in the $1M – $20M annual sales range often don’t have all the people they need on staff to accomplish their business goals. Hiring a bunch of new people is risky and expensive.
Strategy, research, budgeting, web design, social media management, advertising, photography, video production, creative writing, analysis… the marketing job roles go on and on…. and that’s where Twin Creek Media can help.
What is the inspiration behind your business?
I started our company against my will.
The last thing I wanted in 2006 was to be an entrepreneur, but I couldn’t afford to live on $10/hr as recent graphic design school grad. With a mortgage, a new baby, car payments, I learned the old adage, “necessity is the mother of invention”. I got to work, got creative, and built a little business because that was the only choice I had. Failure wasn’t an option.
I surrounded myself with people that better than me at something and good things happened but it was touch and go in those early years.
Fast forward 18 years and we’re in a good spot – loving what we do everyday and helping many other businesses survive and thrive.
What is your magic sauce?

We specialize at being generalists. Like an elite SWAT team, we have experts in different areas, but as a group, we’re perfectly suited to help small and mid-sized business growth by being a plug n’ play marketing department.
What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?
As a creative agency, we thrive on new ideas and growth is alway top of mind. On the other hand, money is nothing if you’re not having fun. I’d say we always choose happiness, family balance, and lifestyle over “big city” hyper-growth.
What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?
The last 2 years has been a surprise – we’ve never faced a labour shortage like this. It’s challenging!
How can people get involved?
Interesting in working with us? We’d love to hear about your project. Visit us at