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Julie Cass

The Positive Change is committed to supporting people on their personal and professional growth journey. Trust, love, and commitment are important core values for us, as we are passionate about creating positive and sustainable change for businesses and individuals.

Tell us about yourself?

I grew up in an entrepreneurial family, working from a young age. Hard work and sacrifice were driven into my head from the beginning. While this mentality might have helped create business success, it was not sustainable for what I call “Wholistic” success, where all the parts of you can thrive. I have grown and scaled multiple eight-figure businesses and consulted with hundreds of business owners and professionals over the years. I am a certified health master and life and business coach. I have also been teaching yoga for over 25 years and have facilitated many personal growth retreats. I am certified in EFT and a certified hypnotist, where we work at the core of emotional healing to create lasting shifts. I am a motivational and keynote speaker for many organizations and conferences and a frequent guest on the news talking about empowerment and the importance of an elevated mindset to thrive. My burnout and what I call my reset over 20 years ago led me to do the work I do now.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

Keep your energy focused on your desires, and let go of the distractions that do not feel good.

What problem does your business solve?

My business solves the problem of what holds you back from living your full potential and cultivating your big goals. We help you overcome obstacles in ways that are simple and effective.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

My business was inspired when I realized I was living most of my life from a place of fear. Chasing goals and never feeling it was enough. When I changed my mindset and upgraded a lot of my internal programming, everything in my life changed. I felt more joy, peace, and fulfillment, and I am so passionate about sharing these tools with my clients. I believe you deserve to live a life free of limitation and feeling small. I believe you are meant to fulfill your dreams and feel joy.

What is your magic sauce?

My magic sauce is my business acumen and experience combined with my passion and ability to help people emotionally heal. A lot of my coaching and talks take my years of business and leadership experience with my energetic and healing experience to create some unique approaches and formulas for success.

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

Publish my next best-selling book or two. Become an international keynote speaker and create a positive impact for millions of people.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

As an entrepreneur, you have to constantly be your biggest cheerleader. It is easy to get caught up in the external world throwing curve balls, like pivoting to online from the pandemic. But in truth, when you upgrade your internal world, the external has less effect because you realize it is your mindset and your energy that is the most powerful thing in achieving your goals.

How can people get involved?

I offer executive coaching, corporate wellness programs, leadership training and coaching, and keynote speaking for conferences. You can reach me at for a quote.