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Kaila Beattie

There are more than 50 million lone workers in North America and the EU, about 15 per cent of the workforce. Few organizations have automated monitoring and check-in systems to enable Lone Workers to easily confirm their safety on a predetermined frequency during their shift. Women Lone Workers particularly are at higher risk when working alone.

Our system informs designated Emergency Contacts if a scheduled check-in fails so an appropriate immediate response to potential safety incidents can be initiated. We provide Emergency Contacts with detailed information about the user’s plan, including their current location.

Antris reduces the lone worker safety risk with an automated check-in system for less than 50 cents a day.

Our mission is to achieve a prominent position in the North American worker safety market by continuing to provide a state-of-the-art technology-based solution for mitigating the organizational costs, risks, and responsibilities associated with lone worker safety.

Tell us about yourself?

I manage all aspects of Antris operations and consider myself the Customer Success Champion. I have been involved in the design, development, and marketing of the Antris system since its inception.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

Work harder at keeping things simple and intuitive for our users. Have the focus and patience to maintain a consistent marketing strategy.

What problem does your business solve?

Antris Logo

Antris replaces manual safety monitoring processes for lone or isolated workers, which are labour-intensive, time-consuming, and inconsistently maintained. All organizations are legally required to maintain reliable safety monitoring processes for all employees, especially isolated and lone workers. Employers are increasingly aware of the risks associated with isolated and lone workers and are seeking solutions to mitigate risks and liabilities.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

Recognition of the failure of many organizations to maintain a system to raise awareness of the risk associated with employees working alone and to adopt automated systems to ensure consistent safety monitoring and response processes to meet their regulatory obligations and moral responsibility for lone worker safety.

We are providing Antris services to a wide range of occupations. Since 2021, we have focused on lone workers in community social services, mental health, and home care professionals and workers.

What is your magic sauce?

Antris’s completely automated system eliminates the requirement for unreliable and labour-intensive manual safety monitoring and the costs associated with expensive call center-based solutions and special devices.

The Antris system requires only that the users have a smart cell phone with the free Antris mobile app installed.

In addition to monitoring and responding to a worker’s failure to check in while an Antris Plan is active, the Antris system eliminates the need for inefficient victim-initiated requests for emergency response by providing a single click SOS function that automatically initiates an immediate emergency response to their situation.

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

Antris will achieve a prominent position in the N. American worker safety market by continuing to provide a state-of-the-art technology-based solution for mitigating the organizational costs, risks and responsibilities associated with lone worker safety.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

Regulatory worker safety requirements generally and increasing awareness of isolated and lone worker safety risks particularly are making risk mitigation a higher priority for all organizations than it has been.

Antris’s target market primarily includes government agencies and not-for-profit organizations, which often take an inordinate period of time to adopt and implement new processes. However, once they have adopted new process services, they are more likely to maintain these for the long term. Antris’s recurring revenue stream from long-term clients is a primary objective for Antris.

How can people get involved?

We are looking to hear from Management who have responsibility for worker safety. Antris provides a series of live demos, user and admin training, and implementation assistance. Our website includes links to request information about Antris, service costs quotes, free live demos and free trials.

Call us for a quote at 1-855-409-6255 or visit our website at