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Khaled Elshimy

RFID Canada is a leading technology provider with 35-plus years of experience in providing solutions, including passive and active RFID (radio frequency identification) and NFC (near field communication). RFID Canada warrants its success in identifying and developing comprehensive solutions in partnership with some of the most innovative companies, such as software providers, engineering firms, automation companies, and system integrators that provide solutions to specific vertical markets domestically and globally.

Tell us about yourself?

As a big believer in passion, ambition, and hard work, I started my career as a junior RFID system engineer after obtaining my bachelor’s degree in Telecommunication Engineering 12 years ago. Now, I am the CEO of RFID Canada. I was fortunate enough to get exposed to this fascinating technology of RFID in my career, and I decided to take my career path to the next level by getting involved in several mega projects, of which some were recognized globally. I made the decision to enrich my professional experience by completing my Masters’s degree in RFID technology. Since it is all about the journey, I have been enjoying my successful journey.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

Family time is the best reward after a long, busy day. Never mix up work with family time, as this is the root cause of burnout. Fortunately, I realized this fact soon enough before being negatively impacted. I was trying my best to achieve my career goals with a bit of an aggressive plan, but I think being patient while executing a very passionate and ambitious plan is very important.

What problem does your business solve?

RFID Canada provides a comprehensive host of professional services encompassing all stages of a project life cycle, from inception to post-implementation support. The depth, breadth, and diversity of our services complement our complete hardware and software product offerings enabling us to provide full solutions tailored to our clients’ needs to tackle their business challenges.
These services are delivered in all areas of the Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) industry, including Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Near Field Communication (NFC), and Barcode & Printing Technologies, as well as data capture and processing on the most advanced computing platforms or in real-time deploying local and wide area wireless networks.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

RFID Canada is delighted to be working with a wide diversity of verticals to provide a tremendous amount of applications. Being specifically focused on Auto Identification technologies, namely RFID, BLE, and Barcode, helped us to get inspired by working with great, smart people to deploy innovative IoT solutions for healthcare, oil & gas, transit, transportation, manufacturing, agriculture, sports & leisure, military, logistics, automation, and others. Knowing how to make the technology work in various environments is always inspiring.

What is your magic sauce?

Being trustworthy is the key to establishing any successful relationship. Trying to meet customers’ expectations by being trustworthy and offering them transparently the best cost-efficient and technically optimized solutions is the secret of any successful business.

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

Maintaining the momentum and to keep growing is our goal as a team. Working with a group of talented professionals is a big factor that will help us achieve our goals to grow the business more and expand by adding additional technologies to our portfolio.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

I think it was a common challenge faced by too many people and organizations globally, which is the COVID-19 impact that led to supply chain issues. As our business depends on a lot of hardware components, we were challenged to maintain our lead times to our customers. As a team, we worked together to put together immediate mitigation plans as well as contingency plans. Working closely with our business partners globally, we have been very successful to ensure our customers’ satisfaction.

How can people get involved?

We always love to talk to organizations that experience business challenges that can be addressed by one of our technology solutions. It is always a pleasure to receive your business problem through, and we will get our professional team in touch to analyze the problem and provide a solution or at least provide guidance on which other technologies can be leveraged to tackle the problem.