At Scarlet Lens Productions, we are focused on developing scripted fantastical stories that Unveil the Truth within and beyond. This includes developing feature films, short films, and web series. These fantastical stories are anchored by one central focus or mission: hard disclosure.
Our team upholds the highest level of integrity. We only develop and produce projects that are in alignment with our mission or ones that help create the business infrastructure to support the projects that are in alignment with our mission.
Tell us about yourself?
I have always been interested in the arts. My love of film really started in the sixth grade when learning about Mary Pickford and how she was a trailblazer who helped start Hollywood as we know it today. I have even co-written a biopic film on her.
In high school, I was always involved in school plays, and it was when I had my first taste of directing that I fell in love. I completed the Radio and Television Arts program at TMU (Toronto Metropolitan University) and began working on developing and producing my own original IP. From edutainment web series to short films and from music videos to documentary shorts and all of the work I did developing and writing scripts for films and series, it was all leading up to what I am here to do now.
I was always fascinated with science fiction and what lies beyond life on Earth. My spiritual journey collided with my filmmaking passion, and in January 2023, everything fell into place.
I Remembered why I was here on Earth.
If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?
I would tell myself two things:
- “Your decisions have more weight than you think. They determine the kinds of opportunities that present themselves. Dig deeper to see the cause and effect of your decisions.”
- “You are courageous. You have what it takes to accomplish big tasks, so keep going!”
What problem does your business solve?
Scarlet Lens Productions tells stories that simply need to be told. These stories will help humanity see the Truth, which up until this point, has only been revealed through soft disclosure. Hard disclosure means telling it like it is.
What is the inspiration behind your business?
Scarlet Lens Productions came from a Knowing that I had a bigger vision to bring forth.
I Am here to be in Service to humanity. The fantastical stories I am here to tell are for people who feel like there is more to life than meets the eye. They go about their days coming and going from all the experiences that they are creating, and yet at almost every turn, though more often than not subconsciously, they know that there is something that has yet to be discovered about themselves, their origins, and the experience of life on Earth.
What is your magic sauce?
I use a specific set of masterful abilities, including Sight, Sequencing, and Articulation, to Visionscape realities through art; in the case of my company, that comes in the form of feature films, short films, and series. These abilities are also used to consult for other companies about the video content in their marketing strategy.
What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?
This is a funny question to me because even if I answer it now, the answer could very quickly change in one day, one month, or one year. That being said, at this moment, I would like to achieve the development and production of:
- One short film
- One short-form series
- One feature film
I am unattached to the outcomes of these, so I am not putting any sort of expectation on what quantitative result (monetary or otherwise) these projects will bring. If the projects inspire people to look deeper within themselves and focus more on self-study, then that will be a bonus cherry on top.
What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?
The mission that the team at Scarlet Lens Productions is committed to is not one for the faint of heart. We are here to be in Service to humanity through hard disclosure in storytelling.
This requires the design and structuring of new business models because the stories we tell are ones that humanity has never before seen.
The biggest challenge? Helping people transcend curiosity and go towards Knowing.
How can people get involved?
To learn more about how you can contribute to Gaia’s evolutionary journey through storytelling, or for consulting on video content for your business, call us at 416-839-2752 or email