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Michael Cannock

The Atelier Way is luxury at every step of the furniture manufacturing process.

Tell us about yourself?

I received my BA degree in Agriculture. However, life circumstances landed me in the hospitality world, which was fortuitous, as I discovered a passion for it. Later, I worked for a time with office furniture but missed the hospitality element, and I decided to change paths and focus on art and mirrors for the industry. I did that for 12 years but still felt a gap, so I made a life-changing decision to leave my job and start my own business, combining what I liked best and specializing in luxury furniture for the hospitality industry.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

Always prepare for the unexpected. Nobody saw COVID-19 coming, nor could they have predicted how long it would last. We were very lucky that we didn’t have to lay off anyone or institute any pay cuts, but even so, I would say that having a contingency plan for your contingency plan is vital.

What problem does your business solve?

Furniture Atelier
Furniture Atelier’s Bar Cart, winner of the HD Award in Case Goods + Furniture Category.

Furniture manufacturing is inherently challenging, but we make it a pleasure, accompanying our clients every step of the way to enhance their hospitality projects from the initial idea to the on-time delivery of top-quality pieces. We recognize that giving life to a design is not only a technical process but also a personal journey, and our curated combination of industry know-how and white-glove service gives our designers the support they need to do their best work and exceed expectations.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

We have always admired the artisans of the Middle Ages, with their eye for detail and passion for craftsmanship. We wanted to bring that same spirit to the 21st century, merging that precision and attention paid to beauty with state-of-the-art technology and science.

What is your magic sauce?

Furniture Atelier

Our singular approach to furniture manufacturing for the hospitality industry is about luxury at every step of the process. The Atelier Way is one of partnership – we learned over the years that the key to success in our industry is building partnerships with both our clients and our factories; if we are not all functioning as one, the projects suffer. Our value is not just providing good quality luxury furniture but rather being that partner your team can rely on in every way. We are the nexus between your idea and the tangible result, the partner that listens and understands your unique needs. We anticipate potential challenges down the road by understanding the site conditions and unique requirements of each project. We are in the business of luxury furniture, and luxury is more than just a unique and exquisite product – luxury is also about the experience. It is elegance in every step of the process, not just in the design itself. We believe that working with us should be an experience – a special and memorable moment from beginning to end that makes you want to do it again.

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

We want to continue to consolidate our brand as one of the leading luxury furniture manufacturers for the hospitality industry in North America. We will focus on this over the next two to three years, after which we will start looking to expand our brand to the European market.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

Without a doubt, COVID-19 comes to mind, and it had a huge impact on the whole industry. The challenge was twofold – how to handle it during the pandemic, but also how to scale up our business quickly with the explosive growth we had post-pandemic, adding into the equation the complexity of the current labour market. We literally had to double our staff in three months and worked tirelessly to make sure we were able to maintain our excellent standards at the same time. Thankfully, we’ve gotten over that hurdle and are in an even stronger place now with our team.

How can people get involved?

We’d love to hear from you about any hospitality projects you have in the pipeline! Drop us a line at or give us a call at 416.400.4979. And come find us on social media at @FurnitureAtelierIntl!
