The mission of Bridge Logistics is to partner with businesses that are looking to expand their cross-border trade opportunities. Since its founding, Bridge Logistics has been known for quality services, exceptional efficiency, and the highest level of professionalism.
From a small box to a full truckload, Bridge Logistics offers customized domestic and international ground freight, air freight, and Canadian customs brokerage solutions to meet clients’ needs and budgets.
Tell us about yourself?
Hello! My family has been involved in transportation in one form or another for a very long time. The transportation industry played an instrumental role in helping my family immigrate to Canada over a decade ago. Spending time with my father from a young age and getting first-hand experience in various ventures within the industry, I developed quite a bit of interest in pursuing a career in transportation and logistics. The extensive experience combined with specialized training and certification made pursuing our latest venture in Bridge Logistics possible. What started as a small outfit has now grown into a prosperous group of companies with operations in both Canada and the United States. I couldn’t be more proud of the results that my parents and I have achieved in such a short span of time.
If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?
I would say that it’s very important to listen to your gut and trust your instincts. It is very easy to allow outside voices to influence your decision-making, which could have long-term ramifications for your business. With the pandemic putting immense pressure on all entrepreneurs, it was imperative to get creative and implement quick changes to ensure the business could continue thriving even in such a harsh environment. So I would say that listening to your gut and trusting your instincts more would be the best advice I would give myself.
What problem does your business solve?
Bridge Logistics partners with aspiring startups and small businesses to provide the necessary logistics support to help them expand trade opportunities within North America and abroad.
What is the inspiration behind your business?
Small businesses cannot thrive and grow without a trustworthy logistics partner by their side. Whether it’s being low-volume or having unique needs, many of our larger competitors are simply not interested in working with those kinds of clients. All of us were small at one point and needed support and resources in order to grow. This is why Bridge Logistics targets small businesses and startups to provide tailored logistics solutions to address their needs and budget.
What is your magic sauce?
Having the expertise and capabilities of our larger competitors while maintaining a far smaller footprint allows us to provide an extensive range of logistics services to clients of all sizes while being far more cost-effective.
What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?
The next five years are quite exciting for Bridge Logistics. Going off the momentum and growth we have experienced so far, we look forward to expanding our newly established U.S. operations to support our Canadian and American clients. Those expansion plans would include hiring of more staff and the establishment of an asset-based division, providing a one-stop solution to clients that wish to utilize us for their logistics needs.
What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?
The biggest challenge for us has been winning over the hearts and minds of our prospective clients. With our industry competitors having a reputation for overpromising and underdelivering, we have been working hard to change that perception by providing a viable alternative to what’s previously been looked at as “standard” practice.
How can people get involved?
We are actively seeking new partnership opportunities with businesses that may have shipping needs throughout the United States, Canada, or abroad. Feel free to reach out to me directly at or 866-969-6008.