Name: Swift Canoe & Kayak
Products: Canoes, kayaks, accessories, outdoor gear
Manufactured In: South River, Ontario
Where to Buy: Online and in retail stores (Canada, US, UK, Australia)
Canadian Owned:ย Yes
Since 1984, Swift has produced canoes that make outdoor sporting simple and easy. Kayaks came to the company in 1995, and since then, Swift has consulted experts and knowledgeable sportsmen to design the boats that perform. Each boat is made in Canada, with Canadian materials where possible. They take pride in their high-quality boats, identifying themselves as industry leaders when it comes to the technologies used for their products.
Swift canoes and kayaks are available in retail locations throughout the world, including the US, UK, and Australia, too. If you want to try a Swift boat for yourself, you can find a location that uses some of the over 1,000 Swift watercraft that make up their rental fleet. They are sprinkled throughout Canada at various parks to showcase their durability and reliability.