Name: Trevi
Products: Pools, spas, saunas, outdoor furniture, and accessories
Manufactured In: Mirabel, Quebec
Where to Buy: Online and in stores (throughout Quebec and in Calgary, Alberta)
Canadian Owned: Yes
Trévi is a family business founded in 1972 by Clément Hudon who opened a store on the outskirts of Labelle Boulevard in Laval. Today Trévi is the only producer of products for in-ground and above-ground pools completely manufactured in Quebec and, according to Les Affaires magazine, the company ranks among Quebec’s largest with over 700 employees.
Trévi’s latest initiative is the popularization of the ”outdooring” concept. Surrounding themselves with designers, Clément Hudon, and his team are embracing the art of living outdoors. With its successful launch in 2011, this leading-edge lifestyle trend was a direct response to a gap within the market.