Outdoors: Wood Stove Pools Inc. ๐Ÿ

Name: Wood Stove Pools Inc.

Products: Wood burning pool heaters, pizza ovens, hot tubs, and saunas

Manufactured In: Bolton and Owen Sound, Ontario

Where to Buy: Company website

Website:ย woodstovepools.com

Canadian Owned: Yes

Wood Stove Pools, which is also known as WSP for short, is a manufacturer of five sizes of wood-burning pool heaters, ranging from mini to XL to ensure you can find the right match for your pool.

According to WSP, you will need 1-2 bush cords of wood to heat your pool from May to October, depending on your climate. This would mean that in two pool seasons, you would have paid your investment compared to the cost of heating your pool using propane or gas.

In addition to pool heaters, the product selection from WSP also includes saunas, hot tubs, and pizza ovens

