Personal Care: Saltspring Soap Works 🍁

Name: Saltspring Soap Works

Products: Bath, body, face, and hair products, soap, essential oils

Manufactured In: Salt Spring Island, British Columbia

Where to buy: Online, Saltspring shops in BC, and various retailers


Canadian Owned: Yes

Started by Linda Quiring over 40 years ago, Saltspring Soap Works has grown from making soap in the kitchen to making soap in a factory. All their soaps and skincare products are made on Salt Spring Island, prioritising the use of natural ingredients and environmentally conscious options.

Linda started Saltspring Soap Works in 1979 because she was not happy with the soaps she could find in shops. As the company grew, she introduced skin care options to the product line and opened a few retail stores. In 2012, Linda’s son Gary and his wife Amber took over the operations. While introducing some new systems and structures, they continue manufacturing products that are good for you and the environment.

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