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Phil Patton

Our mission is to empower small to mid-sized manufacturing and distribution organizations by streamlining their operations and enhancing profitability. We are committed to providing them with comprehensive and integrated solutions for Finance, Sales, CRM, Inventory, Purchasing, Supply Chain Planning, and Manufacturing, creating a singular, reliable source of information that drives their growth and success, all without breaking the bank.

Our Core Values:
Passion for Excellence: Our passion lies in providing superior service to our clients, always striving to exceed their expectations and helping them reach their full potential.

Commitment to Empowerment: We believe in the power of small and mid-sized organizations. We are committed to providing them with the tools, resources, and knowledge they need to compete effectively in their markets.

Integrity: We uphold the highest ethical standards in all our interactions. We treat our clients, partners, and employees with respect, honesty, and transparency.

Customer-Centric: Our clients are the heart of our business. We listen to their needs, adapt to their requirements, and provide tailored solutions that drive their business forward.

Sustainability: We are committed to creating solutions that not only enhance our clients’ businesses but also contribute to a sustainable future. We strive to minimize our ecological footprint and encourage our clients to do the same.

Tell us about yourself?

I’m Phillip Patton, a seasoned veteran with over 30 years of experience in the ERP industry, dating back to a time before ERP was even a recognized term. I began my journey as a certified accountant, serving as a controller for a large public corporation where I had my first encounter with software systems.

In 1986, my family and I embarked on a new journey, immigrating to Canada. There, we established Syspro Canada, a company dedicated to the sales and support of Syspro’s software throughout Canada and the U.S.A. It was a formative chapter in my ERP career.

A significant transition occurred in 1999 when I stepped away from Syspro to become the CIO of a prominent private company in Vancouver. This opportunity allowed me to see things from the other side of the table, a refreshing change of perspective. However, all good things come to an end, and in 2013, after a shift in management, I decided to return to running my own software business.

In the interim, we had acquired the intellectual property rights to what would eventually become Aquilon Software. My partner, along with a dedicated team of developers and I, took on the challenge of redesigning the software to cater specifically to the small business market, a segment we believed was lacking sufficient support.

Today, Aquilon Software stands as a robust and versatile product, perfectly tailored to meet the needs of small businesses. It represents the culmination of my three-decade-long journey in the ERP industry, filled with diverse experiences and constant evolution.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

With the clarity of hindsight from the past two years, the guidance I would offer my past self is this: Embrace a slower pace and allocate more time for rest and relaxation.

What problem does your business solve?

It’s   common for small businesses to rely on rudimentary accounting software, using Excel and other standalone products for their planning and analysis. However, this method often results in inefficiency and the potential for errors due to duplicate data entry, some of which can be costly and might go unnoticed.

Adopting a fully integrated ERP software solution can resolve these issues, offering a singular source of data and enhancing the efficiency and productivity of both employees and business processes.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

A significant number of mainstream ERP systems carry a hefty price tag, often proving prohibitively expensive for small businesses. This creates an imbalance, favouring larger competitors who possess the necessary financial resources. Yet, it is these small businesses that form the backbone of our economy and employ a large proportion of the workforce.

Our vision centers on equipping these small businesses with affordable access to an ERP system, facilitating their growth and success. We address three of the most pressing challenges faced by small businesses – managing inventory, controlling costs, and maintaining margins – through a user-friendly and intuitive software solution. By doing so, we aim to level the playing field, allowing small businesses to effectively compete and thrive in the marketplace.

What is your magic sauce?

We don’t claim to have a secret formula or magic sauce. Instead, we pride ourselves on providing a reasonably priced system packed with practical and useful features that meet the precise needs of small businesses.

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

In our five-year roadmap, we aim to integrate Artificial Intelligence into our software. This integration will not only enhance data processing but also provide actionable insights for businesses to improve their operational processes and bolster their bottom line.

Recognizing that many small businesses may lack highly skilled personnel, we believe that our AI-assisted data analysis could prove a significant advancement, enabling them to make informed decisions and optimize their operations.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

Four years ago, my business partner and dear friend was diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer, a devastating turn of events. It was deeply painful to witness someone as vibrant, towering, and dignified as Greg gradually diminish. As the mastermind behind many of our development tools, his departure was a profound loss for us, but the grief was immeasurably more profound for his family.

Despite our loss, we take some solace in knowing that Greg’s legacy continues through the highly skilled team of developers he mentored. Their expertise and dedication allow us to persevere and advance, carrying the torch that Greg lit for us. His absence is a significant loss to the company, and he will be forever missed.

How can people get involved?

We deeply enjoy collaborating with small businesses, so if you’re considering your needs and want to discuss potential solutions, please feel free to reach out to us. We promise an honest appraisal of how we might assist you, and if we’re not the perfect fit, we’re more than willing to guide you towards a suitable alternative. You can reach us at 877-810-8787, send an email to, or visit our website at