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Quintin Johnstone

Since 2009, Samsonshield™ has distinguished itself as a premium service provider for security, concierge, and risk management services for condominiums in the Greater Toronto Region.

Samsonshield provides premium services exclusively to luxury residential condominium communities in the Greater Toronto Region. It is important to highlight that, unlike all of our peers in the industry, we do not work with any other type of client, nor are we engaged in any other type of business or anything more. We specialize.

Samsonshield is 100 per cent Canadian, solely owned and operated, and is an equal opportunity employer. Samsonshield is a proud member of the Association of Condominium Managers of Ontario (ACMO), the Toronto Region Board of Trade, the Canadian Condominium Institute (CCI), and PAN-ETHIC.

Samsonshield is proud to be included on the Preferred Vendors’ List for the most prominent property management firms in southern Ontario.

Tell us about yourself?

Quintin Johnstone is an experienced Chief Executive Officer with repeated and demonstrated success in both the private and public sectors. Backing on to 30-plus years with the Toronto Police Service, he retired in 2009 and opened Samsonshield Inc.

He is process driven and results-oriented, with a very strong sense of philanthropy and social responsibility. He has seasoned organizational development and professional skills with a business and law background supported by: experience, training, accreditation, and education.

Quintin is an accredited subject matter authority skilled in crisis and risk management, law enforcement, major case management, emergency response/planning/management, operational/strategic planning, business (re)engineering, policy, and governance.

As the CEO of Samsonshield, Quintin Johnstone brings a wealth of experience and expertise in both operational and administrative processes and governance and oversight. He also brings a vast list of professional contacts, all of which provide distinct and unique benefits to his clients. He has provided advice for over two decades to condominium law firms and property management companies on the application of criminal, provincial, and municipal law and its process as it relates to condominium communities. He has also participated as a guest author, creating articles in such publications as Canadian Security Magazine, CCI’s – Condo Voice Magazine, Condo Business Magazine, and Condo News Magazine.

Quintin created Riskboss Magazine (, which stands apart as The Premier Source of Information on Organizational & Community Risk and is distributed to over 25,000 condominium households in the GTA. Riskboss ( is a sister company to Samsonshield and was created to augment and support organizations and communities, specifically: To identify, mitigate, and manage the risk of our clients.

All of this experience has assisted Samsonshield to deliver intuitive client service that mitigates risk to Board, property managers, and condominium communities.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

Keep staying in your lane, don’t overextend, and absolutely maintain your capacity levels. This is what has made Samsonshield uniquely different in the condominium security and risk mitigation marketplace in this horrible COVID-19 pandemic atmosphere.

What problem does your business solve?

Samsonshield brings a comprehensive set of industry-unique, bespoke security and risk management service offerings to luxury condominium communities in the GTA. It delivers that Manhattan-style client experience and professional approach to condominium living each time, every time, without exception.

Samsonshield maintains high levels of service excellence through very strict standards, building a strong team-oriented culture, maintaining robust quality control measures, and having a hands-on approach to managing our day-to-day relationships with our clients. Additionally, our added value service offerings mitigate risk, increase client satisfaction, and assist in greatly improving the brand and quality of life in the communities we serve.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

Identifying a void in the condominium marketplace related to professional security, concierge and risk management, Quintin created Samsonshield in 2009 to change the landscape of client service and risk mitigation.

He has also dramatically changed the landscape of how security employees are treated, supported, and valued. Quintin believes strongly that if the employee experience is great, that translates to better client care. A win-win proposition.

What is your magic sauce?

Samsonshield provides bespoke custom security and risk management solutions, and we are boutique in nature. We do not want to be the biggest concierge/risk management company servicing condominiums; we want to stand out among our peers as the very best. We stand out from our peers in this marketplace, and it shows.

Samsonshield is process-driven, not personality-driven, and everything that is planned and accomplished is measured. Quintin believes that having goals that are not measured are often left unrealized. He always asks clients, “What does success look like to you, and how do you know when you get there?”

Quintin takes no salary. His employees enjoy higher wages and better benefits and are valued and supported like no other company operating in this industry. Lastly, when Quintin passes on, the company will be bequeathed to the employees through the Samsonshield Foundation. In short, Quintin is not money driven. He is building a legacy in support of his employees.

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

At 63, Quintin has a plan to move to a Board position in two years. Samsonshield only promotes on merit and ability and never on nepotism or favouritism. Further, Samsonshield does not use mercenary supervisors to fill promotional ranks. All promotions start with employees joining the company at the lowest levels and working their way up. To that end, he has created an amazing Senior Management Team that will not only effectively run the company but also allow Quintin to step aside for the next generation of leaders to take over.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

Samsonshield has been on the same course and trajectory for 13 years, and there are no plans to change who we are and what we do despite the allure of greater profits outside of our fundamental business practices. We have never changed course. It’s part of our DNA.

The greatest challenge to this industry is the lack of professionalism in many company owners. That is why Quintin created PAN-ETHIC (, an organization of C-Level security company owners that meets twice a year to help improve integrity and professionalism in this marketplace. A select group of owners invite like-minded people to join. Although many owners have heard of PAN-ETHIC and want to join, this group is strictly limited to those with the highest level of integrity.

How can people get involved?

We are always available for a conversation on how we differentiate ourselves in this market and how we can help you. No cookie-cutter approach here. We also offer a 30-minute free Riskboss tour of condominium sites with no obligation.

Reach out to for more information.

You will be glad you made the decision to contact us.