CAPSolar brings solar energy to electric vehicles. In other words, we develop and manufacture solar panels to be installed or integrated into EVs, whether those are passenger cars, low-speed vehicles, trucks, or boats, with the goal of extending their range, their battery life and, ultimately, making them cleaner and better for the environment.
Tell us about yourself?
I am a Mechanical Engineer by formation with experience in both the solar energy and transportation industries, and this is the reason why I got into this line of work. Indeed, by working in both, I realized that an unexploited synergy existed between those two, synergy that had the potential of solving a lot of problems that are harmful to either the environment or vehicle users’ wallets.
If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?
Don’t underestimate the importance of a legal job! In other words, scrutinize every contract and legal document you sign to make sure nothing could come with a backlash.
What problem does your business solve?
The loss of time and money due to EV charging, their unclean energy sourcing, and the expensive and complex charging infrastructure required for the electrification of transports.
What is the inspiration behind your business?
The inspiration behind my business comes from my passion for vehicles in general and the evolution of transport. I have been a car enthusiast since a young age, and studying Mechanical Engineering made me realize how “dirty” traditional cars are. Therefore, I decided to make it my mission to try and find solutions to make vehicles more environmentally friendly while keeping a focus on aesthetics and performance.
What is your magic sauce?
I quickly highlighted it in the last question, but in short, we develop solar panel technologies that are tailor-made for vehicles, which means they are extremely performant, but, more than anything, they look good. Indeed, right now, we are developing a new semi-transparent solar panel technology (the first to do so on the market), allowing for the integration of solar panels directly into the roof and windows of cars while being almost unperceivable and without hindering the looks of the vehicle.
What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?
Within the next five years, we want to become a high-volume, well-known, and respected vehicle solar panel manufacturing company. We want to start integrating our technologies into passenger cars to make CAPSolar the go-to solution for vehicle-integrated solar panel technology.
What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?
The biggest challenge was to structure a strong team for the job.
How can people get involved?
Anyone with interest in our project can contact us. More specifically, we are looking for potential employees willing to work in any sphere of our business, as well as investors interested in backing up our future. We are currently structuring our first private equity financing round and are interested in investors from all horizons.