Name: Defang Software Labs
Products: Software, web development, Cloud application builds
Manufactured In: Vancouver, British Columbia
Where to Buy: Online
Canadian Owned: Yes
Defang Software Labs is a relatively new company focused on making it easier to build and deploy cloud applications. A team of founders with experience building cloud platforms and tools founded Defang. These founders have worked on projects with AWS, Microsoft, and Workday. Essentially, this company aims to make cloud application development more accessible to developers at every level of skill, experience, and ability. They use AI to outline the application, and can then deploy it to a cloud of your choice (AWS, Digital Ocean, or GCP) with a single command.
The appeal is that Defang handles all of the heavy lifting. They configure networking, computation, storage, security, access control, logs, and more. They also use an AI debugger to help determine where issues lie and how you can fix them.