Work Boots: Tatra Safety Boots and Shoes Inc 🍁

Name: Tatra Safety Boots and Shoes Inc

Products: Steel-toe and non-steel-toe leather boots

Manufactured In: Dunnville, Ontario

Where to Buy: Online, in retail stores


Canadian Owned: Yes

After nearly closing down in 2019, Tatra Safety Boots and Shoes was finally purchased by Tsjibbe Kelly, founder of the popular brand TNK. Today, Tatra is back and better than ever, thriving with the passion of its new owner. Instead of renaming the business, he chose to carry on the Tatra name, known for quality and growth. His persistence has completely revived the company.

Today, you can find Tatra online and in retail stores across Canada. They sell work boots, both steel-toed and non-steel-toed, with a focus on non-slip and flexible boots that protect your feet on the job. They also sell casual books, hiking boots, and a variety of styles that work to complement your uniform.

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