Breakfast Food: Coyote Pancake & Waffle Mix 🍁

Name: Coyote Pancake & Waffle Mix

Products: Three different types of pancake mix

Manufactured In: Magrath, Alberta

Where to Buy: Co-op, Safeway, Sobeys, Superstore, Amazon


Canadian Owned: Yes

Coyote Pancake Mix is a Canadian produce that has been produced at the Rockport Flour Mills in Magrath, Alberta in 1923. Since then, the company has added buttermilk and flaxseed pancake mixes to its prodcut line.

Most of the wheat used in the mixes is grown and produced on the company’s lands in Alberta. However, the company also uses wheat from other regional farmers when the demand for the products exceeds the volume of their own wheat. Using homegrown wheat means the company can ensure the high-quality of the whole grain used in the pancake mixes.

You can find Coyote Pancake Mixes in many stores across Canada as well as online.

