Food/Condiments: Elman’s ๐Ÿ

Name: Elman’s Food Products Ltd

Products: Kosher deli food products (pickles, garlic, sauerkraut, sauces, pickled eggs, relish, mustard, and more)

Manufactured In: Winnipeg, Manitoba

Where to Buy: Sobey’s, Safeway, IGA’s. Save-On, Choices, many independent stores


Canadian Owned: Yes

Elmanโ€™s is a Canadian-owned and operated company that has a long history. It was established in 1938 by Samuel Finkleman. Samuel was a Polish immigrant with a young family and several closely guarded family recipes.

When the family settled in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Samuel made horseradish for friends, relatives, and neighbours. However, the word of his horseradish soon spread and he began to supply his horseradish to local markets, hotels, and restaurants. Years later, the companyโ€™s reigns were handed to Manny, Samuelโ€™s youngest son who introduced Kosher products to the product line.

Today, the product selection includes a wide variety of condiments that are available across Canada.

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