Name: FGF Brands Inc
Products: Stonefire and Santosh brand flatbreads, naan, pizza crusts
Manufactured In: Toronto, Ontario
Where to Buy: Grocery Stores across Canada
Canadian Owned: Yes
FGF Brands calls itself a tech company that bakes. The company masters technology to create food that people want to buy at affordable prices yet with artisan quality and the cleanest possible ingredients. FGF Brands has facilities in Canada and the US with the Canadian manufacturing facility located in Toronto.
Each day the company bakes, packages, and ships hundreds of thousands of products to food service and retail clients around the world. Brands included under the FGF umbrella include STONEFIREยฎ (the number one flatbread in America), ACE BAKERYยฎ, SIMPLE JOYSยฎ, and SANTOSHโข.
All the brands manufactured by FGF Brands are widely available from grocery stores across Canada and the US.