Food: Summer Fresh 🍁

Name: Summer Fresh

Products: Hummus, Dips and Gourmet Salads

Manufactured In: Woodbridge, Ontario

Where to Buy: Across Canada in all major grocery stores


Canadian Owned: Yes

Summer Fresh is a company based in Woodbridge, Ontario that makes hummus, dips, salad drssings, and gourmet salads. The compay started over 30 years ago when the founder, Susan, made the first batch of Summer Fresh hummus with her mom and sister. Since then, the company’s product line has increased significanly and now includes 85 products.

Despite the growth of Summer Fresh, the way the company operates has not chaned. Susan and her team still make all the products using only fresh ingredients and no preservatives in small batches. You can find Summer Fresh products in most stores across Canada.

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