Breakfast Food: Holy Crap 🍁

Name: Holy Crap

Products: Cereal and oatmeal

Manufactured In: Gibsons, British Columbia

Where to buy: The company’s website and from various retailers across Canada. Find your nearest store here. Also available on, and


Canadian Owned: Yes

Holy Crap cereals and oatmeals are made in their gluten-free factory located in Gibsons, British Columbia. Having their own dedicated factory ensures that their ingredients do not come into contact with any allergens. The production process, end products, and supply chain have all been verified by third-party organisations.

The three main ingredients included in the products, chia, hulled hemp, and buckwheat seeds all have superfood status. The company’s cereal and oatmeal products are all plant-based, high in fiber, and contain superseeds, aimed to help you maintain a healthy gut. Holy crap breakfast products are available to order from the company’s website as well as from several retailers across Canada.

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