Name: Hippie Snacks
Products: Snack foods
Manufactured In: Burnaby, B.C.
Where to Buy: Whole Foods and other retailers throughout British Columbia
Canadian Owned: Yes
Hippie Snacks is a Canadian company located in Burnaby, British Columbia. They are dedicated to buying local, creating sustainable products, and properly compensating any farms from which they have to import ingredients. All of their foods are created in Canada, including some of their most popular product lines. All of their foods are high-quality, minimally processed, and non-GMO.
Hippie Snacks is sold at grocers and retailers throughout British Columbia (with most locations located in Vancouver). They sell banana bread crisps, almond crisps, cauliflower crisps, avocado crisps, coconut crisps, seed & nut clusters, and granola.