Beer/Cider: Big Rock Brewery 📈

Name: Big Rock Brewery

Products: Beers and ciders

Manufactured In: Calgary, Alberta; Vancouver, BC; Toronto, Ontario

Where to Buy: Across Canada


Canadian Owned: Publicly traded on the TSX

When Ed McNally founded the Big Rock Brewery, there was not a lot of choice for beer drinkers. Beers were simply known as either lager A or lager B type. Ed McNally wanted more choice but he didn’t want to start tracking down imported beers. Instead, he chose to start his own brewery.

Since 1985 when Ed first started brewing beer, the company has been driven by a passion to bring better beer to Canadians everywhere. The beers are still handcrafted in the company’s breweries in Calgary, Alberta; Vancouver, BC; and Toronto, Ontario.

True to the company’s mission to provide better beer to Canadians everywhere, you can find Big Rock beers across Canada.

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