Confectionery: SOMA Chocolatemaker 🍁

Name: SOMA Chocolatemaker

Products: Chocolate

Manufactured In: Toronto, Ontario

Where to Buy: Online, SOMA stores in Toronto


Canadian Owned: Yes

SOMA Chocolatemaker is a company started by David Castellan and Cynthia Leung in 2003. The founders aimed to find new ways to create and enjoy chocolate. Their first location was a small corner in a former whisky distillery where they began to roast and winnow cacao beans to make their own chocolate, cookies, gelato, and hot chocolate.

The company now has three locations in Toronto (click here to view the locations) and a network of wholesalers to distribute their products. If you do not have a store selling SOMA Chocolatemaker’s products near you, all of their products can also be ordered online from the company’s online store.

