Personal Care: Koldtec Ice Towel 🍁

Name: Koldtec Ice Towel

Products: Wearable cooling towel for heat intolerance

Manufactured In: Toronto, Ontario

Where to buy: Online


Canadian Owned: Yes

Koldtec, a Canadian company based in Toronto, Ontario, makes a bamboo fabric cooling towel, which doesn’t get you wet and stays cold for an hour. It’s useful for those with heat intolerance conditions, or if you need to stay cool for any reason. Each purchase includes an insulated travel tube.

The Koldtec FlexIce is a patented product made with non-toxic materials using water and only a few key ingredients that help to keep it cold for longer. For best results, keep FlexIce frozen in the freezer. It is safe to leave it in the freezer even for extended periods between uses,

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