Name: Coco Karamel
Products: Alfajores
Manufactured In: Calgary, Alberta
Where to Buy: Various stockistsย and online
Canadian Owned:ย Yes
We will let Coco Karamel speak for themselves in describing their alfajores: “An amazing cookie-pie, with two thin cookies that give the creamy and rich dulce de leche (milk caramel) the center stage. Alfajores are very sweet and for those that have a sweet tooth they are perfect. It is almost like having a box of chocolates in a cookie-pie form.
They are amazing and are a staple treat in Argentinian culture. For our alfajores we use only one of the best dulce de leches sourced right from Argentina but they are made fresh here in Canada, so all can discover how amazing they really are. Alfajores pair well with coffee, tea, mate (yerba) or simply as an after work snack.”