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Should Canadians Use a Duvet Cover

A duvet cover can elevate your bedroom by adding a splash of colour, but it will also reduce wear on your duvet. Do you really need one? Opinions vary about whether Canadians should use a duvet cover, especially if you are on a budget. We’ve got some insights into why you should purchase a duvet cover, and how it can benefit your bedding to have one on hand. Let’s start by looking at what a duvet cover is.

What is a duvet cover?

If you have used quilts or comforters all your life, it may be difficult to imagine needing a duvet cover. Why do you need to cover your duvet? The fact is, duvets are very different from comforters. They are more prone to wear and breakdown because of the materials used. Duvets are designed to last longer, too. A duvet cover can extend the lifespan of your duvet, since they are often more expensive than comforters or other bedding options. 

To help protect your duvet, a duvet cover is used much like a pillowcase. It encloses the duvet completely. Most duvet covers include anchor points. These points are located at each corner inside the duvet cover. The duvet should have matching anchors, which hook into the anchor points. This way, the duvet stays in place within the cover. Without these anchor points, the duvet can slide around inside the cover, bunch up at the bottom, or migrate to one side or the other. 

A duvet cover is a great option if you want a splash of colour in your bedroom, too. While most duvets are white, a duvet cover can be just about any colour. If you want to avoid staining your duvet or prefer a different look, choose a duvet cover that matches your aesthetic.

Benefits of using a duvet cover

So why should you use a duvet cover? It can seem like a chore to purchase another piece of bedding, especially if you recently purchased your duvet. Duvets can get expensive, so why spend more money on a duvet cover?

Protecting Your Duvet

The best reason to purchase a duvet cover is because your duvet is so expensive. A duvet cover protects the duvet from dirt, sweat, and wear. Since you can’t wash a duvet often (and never at home), a duvet cover gives you the opportunity to freshen your sleeping space more often. You can wash some duvet covers as often as every two weeks, leading to a fresher bed and less hassle. 

Most Canadian companies recommend washing their duvets twice a year, and always at a dry cleaner. If you don’t use a duvet cover, the materials will wear down faster. By the time your bi-yearly washing schedule rolls around, your duvet might be suffering significantly from contact with sweat, hair, pets, and other debris that naturally finds its way onto your bed.

Using a duvet cover allows you to remove this debris much more often. This is more sanitary than using the duvet alone, but also saves your expensive investment from excessive use.

Aesthetics and Design

You can always change your duvet cover when it’s time to change the look of your bedding. Instead of buying a whole new duvet, you can simply choose another colour or print from your favourite Canadian company.

Inserting duvet cover on bed

Which duvet cover should I choose?

There are a ton of great options for a duvet cover on the Canadian market. Some of our favourite companies include Endy, Hush, Silk & Snow, and Benji. You can find all of our best picks in our Best Duvet Covers in Canada article, which covers in-depth reviews of our favourite options from these companies and more.